Friday, June 29, 2012

Stir fry bell pepper chicken


Chicken [boneless] - 300 gm
Capsicum - 1 [square pieces]
Onion - 2 [square pieces]
Chillies - 2[chopped]
Garlic - 1 1/2 tbs
Spring onion - 1/2 cup
Chilly sauce - 2 1/2 tbs
Soy sauce - 1/2 tbs
Cornflour - 1/2 cup
Pepper powder - 3/4 tsp


- Marinate chicken with salt & pepper.
- Dust chicken pieces in corn flour.
- Place a pan on a stove top,pour 2 tbs oil [any refined oil ],add chopped garlic and saute well.
- Add chicken pieces & chopped chillies, saute continuously.
- When chicken turns light brown in color add soy sauce, chilly sauce,
pepper powder, capsicum,onion,a pinch of sugar & spring onion.
- Serve it.

1 comment:

  1. try for some good serving plates too for gettng an xclnt look equalent to the taste of ur dishes.
