Friday, June 29, 2012

Home Made Vegetable Wheat Pizza.....


Maida (All Purpose Flour) - 1 Cup
Wheat Flour - 1 1/2 Cup
Warm Water - 3/4 Cup
Yeast - 1 pkt
Sugar - 1 tsp
Olive Oil - 3 tbsp

For Topping:

Pasta Sauce - 2 tbsp
Mozzarella Cheese -
Mushroom, Bell Peppers, Tomato, Olives, Onion


- In a small bowl, add yeast to warm water for fermentation.
- Cut all the vegetables and mix it with a pinch of salt.
- In a bowl, add Maida, Wheat Flour, Sugar, Olive Oil and fermented yeast.
- Mix this well and make a thick dough.
- Cover this with a neat cloth and keep this for 3-4 hrs.
- In a frying pan, pour 1 tbsp of Olive Oil.
- Add chopped Garlic and saute well. take this out of flame.
- Add italian spices to this and mix well.
- In a pizza pan, spread the dough in a circular shape like a pizza base.
- Spread the flavored Olive Oil over the base.
- On top of this spread the pasta sauce all over the base.
- Arrange the vegetables over this. And finish it by adding grated cheese.
- Place this in pre-heated oven at 450 degree F and cook for 10-15 mins until the crust turns light brown.

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