Friday, June 29, 2012

Chicken Sausage Roast


Cooked Chicken Sausage - 4 Small
Onion - 1 Big
Tomato -1
Ginger - Garlic Paste - 1 1/2 tsp
Bell Peppers - 1 nos
CorianderPowder - 1 tbsp
Kashmiri Chilli Powder - 1 1/2 tbsp
Garam Masala - 1/4 tsp
Tomato Sauce - 1 tbsp
Soy Sauce - 1/4 tsp


- Heat some Oil in a Frying Pan.
- Add Onion (cut as cubes) and saute well.
- Add Ginger-Garlic Paste to this and saute well.
- Add the masalas and saute well.
- Add sliced Tomatoes (as cubes) along with Bell Peppers and mix well.
- Once the mixture gets cooked, add the sliced sausage and saute well.
- Add tomato sauce and soy sauce and mix it well until this turns dry.
- Serve this hot!!!

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