Friday, June 29, 2012

Marble Cake...


All purpose flour - 1¼ cup
Vanilla Essence - 2 Tsp
Milk - ½ cup & 2 Tsp
Cocoa powder - 2 Tbsp
Baking powder - 2 Tsp
Butter - 1/3 cup
Salt - ½ Tsp
Sugar - 1 cup
Egg - 2


- Preheat the oven at 180° C.
- Seive together the flour, baking powder and pinch of salt at least twice and keep this aside.
- Beat butter and sugar together till the mixture becomes creamy in nature.
-  Now add the eggs one by one to the mixture and beat it well using a whisk.
- Add the flour to this mixture and keep on whisking so that the flour gets mixed evenly.
- Pour milk and vanilla essence to this mixture and mix it well.
- Add cocoa powder to 2 tsp of milk and add this to 1/4 of the cake batter.
- Pour half the plain cake mix to the greased pan.
- Over this pour chocolate mix . Over this pour in the remaining plain mix.
- Now using a fork or knife, swirl in the mix to bring in the marble effect.
- Bake the mix for 35 to 40 minutes.

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