Friday, June 29, 2012

Payasam - Split Moong Dal


Splitted moong Dal (Cherupayar parippu) -  1 cup
Jaggery (Melted) - 1 1 /2 cup
Coconut milk thick (Onnam pal) - 1/2 cup
Coconut milk semi thick (Randam pal) - 1 cup
Coconut milk thin (Moonnam pal) - 1 1/2 cup
Cardamom powder - 2 pinch
Cumin powder - 2 pinch
Coconut pieces - 2 tbsp
Cashew nuts  - few
Salt a pinch.


- Roast the split moong dal in a kadai for some time.
- After cooling this, wash and add this to pressure cooker, add some water and cook this.
- Heat ghee in a vessel which has a thick bottom and add the cooked dal and stir it well.
- Add melted Jaggery to the dal and mix it until it gets mixed up well. Keep stirring until this becomes really think without sticking on the bottom of the vessel.
- Add thin coconut milk (Moonnam Pal) and boil it well.
- Now add the semi think coconut milk (Randam pal) and boil this in low flame.
- Finally add the thick coconut milk (Onnam Pal) along with cardamom powder and Cumin Powder
- Mix this and bring this out of the flame.
- Fry the split Cashew nuts in 1 tbsp of ghee and pour this into the payasam.
- Fry the Coconut slices in ghee until it turns golden brown and add this to the payasam.
- YUMMY!!! Payasam is ready to be served HOT!!!

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