Friday, June 29, 2012

Pressure Cooker Palada


Packet Ada (Cooked) - 1 Cup
Milk -  2 1/2  - 3 Cup
Condensed Milk - to taste
Boiled Water -

Method :- 

- In a saucepan, boil some water.
- Turn off the flame and keep this aside.
- Add heaped cup of raw Ada on to the boiled water.
- Once cooked, drain the water and add cold water to the ada (This is to avoid ada from sticking to one another.)
- Drain the water and keep the cooked ada aside.

Cooking Step to turn the payasam pink in color.
- In a pressure cooker, add Milk, cooked Ada, Sugar and cook in low flame until the cooker is ready to blow the first whistle.(Should put on Weight)
- Open the cooker once cooled. And stir the mixture well.
- Repeat this process 3-4 times until the payasam turns pink and thick.

- Once its done, add the mixture of condensed milk and warm water to this.
- Finish this off with a spoon of butter.
- Pressure Cooker Palada is ready to be served HOT !!!

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