Friday, June 29, 2012

Chinese Egg Chilly...


Egg - 5 nos
Black PepperPowder - 1 tsp

For Batter:

Corn Flour - 3 tbsp
Maida (All Purpose Flour) - 2 tbsp
Black Pepper Powder - 1/4 tsp
Salt - to taste
Ginger Paste - 1/4 tsp
Garlic Paste - 1/4 tsp
Soy Sauce - 1/4 tsp

For Saute:

Refined Oil - 2 tbsp
Onion - 3 (Sliced in Julianne)
Chopped Garlic - 1 tbsp
Chopped Green Chilly - 3 nos
Soy Sauce - 1 tbsp
Tomato Sauce - 2 tsp
Black Pepper Powder - 1/2 tsp
Salt - to taste
Sugar - 1/4 tsp
Chopped Spring Onion - 1/2 cup


- Take the eggs and beat it well. Add salt and pepper powder to this.
- Place a pan and pour half the beaten eggs and make an omlette.
- Pour the remaining beaten eggs and make the second omlette.
- Cut the omlette into thin strips.
- To prepare the batter, take a bowl and add the ingredients given above and mix well adding water to make the batter.
- Keep a deep frying pan and pour some oil for frying the eggs.
- Dip the strips of eggs in the batter and fry this in the heated oil. Let this be crisp in nature. Keep them aside.
- Keep another pan and pour some oil for sauteing.
- Add chopped garlic and saute well. Add chopped green chilli to this and saute it well.
- To this add the sliced onion and saute until it turns translucent.
- Add the fried egg to this and mix it well.
- Pour Soy Sauce, Tomato Sauce, Black Pepper Powder, Sugar and salt to this and mix this well.
- Add chopped spring onion and mix this well.
- Chinese Egg Chilly is ready to be served hot...
(Courtsey: Lakshmi Nair - Magic Oven)

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