Friday, June 29, 2012

Gujia - Holi Delicacy...

(Recipe for 10 Gujias)


All Purpose Flour - 1 cup
Condensed Milk - 1 tbsp
Clarified Butter - 3 tbsp
Ghee/Oil - for frying
Powdered Sugar - 1/2 cup
Crushed Jaggery - 4 tbsp
Mixed Dry Fruits - 3 tbsp
Cardamom Powder - 1/4 tsp
Dedicated Coconut - 1 tbsp
Roasted Sooji - 1 tbsp


- Mix flour with ghee/oil.
- Add sugar and pinch of salt and mix this well using your hands
- Make soft dough and knead it lightly
- Add water if needed.
- Cover with a damp cloth and leave aside for half hour.
- In a frying pan, Fry the dry fruits and turn the flame OFF.
- Add Sooji, Jaggery/Sugar, Cardamom Powder and mix well and make small balls.
- Roll this in Condensed Milk.
- Now keep it aside to cool down.
- Prepare equal amount of small and thick chapathi from the kneaded dough.
- Stuff the chapathi with our sweet balls, then keep it in the middle, Fold it to side and seal the edge with water.
- Roll the edges using your fingers and press the edges with a fork.
- On medium flame, fry this Gujia till golden brown.
- Drain the excess Oil and leave it to cool.

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