Friday, June 29, 2012

Honey Drop Cookies


Maida (All Purpose Flour) - 1 and 1/2 Cups
Powdered Sugar - 1 Cup
Unsalted Butter - 100 gm
Baking Powder- 1 and 1/2 tsp
Salt - 1 pinch
Eggs - 2 nos
Honey - 2 tbsp
Vanilla Essence - 1/2 tsp


- Add baking powder and salt to Maida and mix this well using a strainer.
- Take the butter in a bowl and add powdered sugar to it and mix well until the mixture turns soft.
- Add eggs one after the other and beat well.
- Add vanilla essence along with this mixture.
- To this mixture, add honey and mix well.
- Add the Maida and baking powder mixture on to this and mix this in circular way.
- Take a Baking tray and butter it.
- Take the mixture in a teaspoon and drop this onto the Baking tray with the help of another teaspoon.
- Note that there needs to be enough distance between the drops.
- Place this tray on to pre-heated Oven at 350 F.
- Once the cookie starts changing color to golden brown, take out the cookie and let this cool.

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