Friday, June 29, 2012

Coffee Pudding...


Instant Coffee Powder - 2 tsp
Fresh Cream - 1 cup
Gelatin - 2  tbsp
Cold Water - 2 cup
Condensed Milk - 1/2 tin
Sugar - 4 levelled tbsp
Water -


- Mix the gelatin in 1/2 cup of cold water.
- In a sauce pan, boil 1 1/2 cup water.
- Once boiled, add 4 tbsp of Sugar to the water and stir well.
- Remove the pan from flame and add Instant Coffee to this mixture.
- Add the Gelatin mixture to the prepared coffee and stir well.
-  Add condensed milk to the mixture.
-  Beat fresh cream to make it loose and add this to the Coffee mixture.
- Pour this on to a mould and refrigerate this for setting.

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